If you are having trouble changing your habits to make your life better living, let me tell you the problem isn't you, it's just your way of approach or system. So to help you, here is the list of 10 best self-development books on Blinkist that will help you become the best version of yourself. 

What is Blinkist?

Blinkist is a 15-minute short book review app. We usually spend hours understanding the core logic, but with Blinkist, the main idea is to split the book into pages called Blink. Each Blink represents an Idea, Logic, and an event that helps understand the main idea behind the book. Read more about Blinkist here

  1. Atomic habits
  2. The mastery of love
  3. The 5 am club
  4. Think again
  5. Deep work
  6. Rich dad, poor dad
  7. The 4-hour workweek
  8. Less doing, more living
  9. How to decide
  10. Seven habits of highly effective people

Atomic Habits – make a change and get 1% better every day

Author Name: James Clear

Published on: October 16, 2018

Genre: Self-help book  

Why read 'Atomic Habits'?  

 The book Atomic Habits is an inclusive guide that helps modify your habits to improve yourself. It conveys how a small change can bring an unprecedented transformation into your life. Building good habits and cracking bad ones is what this book aims for.  

Whether you're a team looking to win a championship, an organization looking to redefine an industry, or an individual looking to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress and accomplish the victory that endures. Atomic Habits will remake the way you think about development and accomplishment. Moreover, it provides the tools and strategies you need to change your habits.



The mastery of love – a practical guide to the art of relationship

Author Name: Don Miguel Ruiz 

Published on:1999

Genre: Self-help book

Why read 'the mastery of love'?

This book offers self-improvement. Using powerful language and analogies made it easier for the reader to understand the lessons clearly. This book will guide you to overcome emotional wounds and transform relationships from wars of control into harmonic connections based on love, bliss, and self-determination. After reading this book, you will no more keep struggling with a relationship and live happily with your partner.


The 5 am club – own your morning

Author Name: Robin Sharma  

Published on: December 4, 2018

Genre: Self–help book

Why read 'the 5 am club'?

One of the top self-help books is based on a ground-breaking morning routine to increase your productivity and personal health. Since a healthy body needs a healthy mind, this book says if you want to be a hero of your life, start to own your morning. Moreover, reading this book will motivate you to set your morning schedule well and master your time.


Think again – the power of rethinking  

Author Name: Adam Grant  

Published on: February 2, 2021

Genre: Self–help book

Why read 'think again'?

This book teaches you organizational psychology. It will open up your minds to think about new prospects. The power of knowing what you don't know will lead you to explore and see a lot you don't know. Additionally, you will know the significance of lifelong learning and maintaining a flexible mind.


Deep work - the science of productivity

Author Name: Cal Newport

Published on: January 5, 2016

Genre: Self–help book

Why read 'deep work'?

The best book to know is the science of productivity, where the author emphasizes working deep with uninterrupted and high concentration. Moreover, you will get the authentic essence of the book with real-life examples. The strategies and tactics to work deeply will help you develop the habit easily and quickly.


 Rich dad, poor dad – investment principles 

Author Name: Robert T. Kiyosaki

Published on:1997

Genre: Self–help book

Why read 'Rich dad, poor dad'? 

If you want to get out of the rat race, know how rich become rich and are curious about the investing approach, this book is for you. The author is a great investor who has written this book to let the world know how to gain financial knowledge and live life without worrying.


The 4-hour workweek – a life-changing experience

Author Name:   Tim Ferriss

Published on:  April 24, 2007

Genre: Self–help book

Why read 'The 4-hour work week'?  

Are you someone who wants to get rid of nice-to-five slavery, dreams of a travel lifestyle, and is unaware of how to achieve your dream? Then this book is for you? After reading this book, you will start building a life centered on contentment.


Less Doing, More Living

Author Name: Arie Meisel

Published on: April 3, 2014

Genre: Self–help book

Why read 'Less doing, more living'?

To lead a happier lifestyle and to be your trainer, the fundamental steps discussed in this book will direct you towards productivity and efficiency in life. Furthermore, you will find the central aims to unleash efficiency in whatever you decide to do; optimization, automation, and outsourcing.



How to decide - Simple tools for making better choices

Author Name: Annie Duke   

Published on: 2020

Genre: Self–help book

Why read 'How to decide'? 

Let's get familiar with the decision-making – strategies by reading this book. It benefits your personal development and helps you battle bias and make decisions professionally. When you read the book, you will find yourself a good and confident decision-maker.


Seven habits of highly effective people – influential, personal lessons

Author Name: Stephen Covey

Published on: August 15, 1989

Genre: Self–help book

Why read 'Seven habits of highly effective people'?

This book best serves you for a happy, well-balanced, and successful life. The author highlights the secrets of the most successful and entrepreneurial people who achieve their goals. So, let's read the book to get some personal and professional aspirations to fulfill our potential.

Let's be the best version of ourselves by feeding our minds. Read the best self-help or self-developmental books on Blinkist.