Wertik is a tiny Node JS framework that helps you set up servers with support for
You can install wertik-js by using yarn or npm:
yarn add wertik-js
npm install wertik-js
To start wertik-js server you need to import wertik and start it:
import wertik from "wertik-js/lib/"
port: 1200,
In your console you will see something like this:
Wertik JS app listening at http://localhost:1200
If you visit http://localhost:1200, you will see a response like this:
Cannot GET /
🚀 You have successfully started wertik server. There is nothing in wertik app right now. Let's make it interactive by adding:
You can access Wertik instance inside GraphQL and Express handler through:
app.get("/somepath", (req, res) => {
console.log(req.wertik) // Wertik App
res.send("Some Info")
For more please see This line.
function Resolver(_, args, context, info) => {
console.log(context.wertik); // Wertik App
return "Some Info"
For more please see: This line
With keyword Wertik you can access everything that lies inside wertik from database, modules, sockets, mailer, cron jobs to everything in Wertik app.
Wertik JS lightens up your app with different features, Wertik can be helpful for small projects such as task management or a blog application. With modules with Wertik JS, you can easily create modules with crud operations. Furthermore, Wertik JS can lighten up your app with useful features such as Redis, Sockets, Database such as Mysql, Queue Management, Storage, Cron Jobs, and other useful features.
Wertik JS v3 is setup in a clean way and easy way. Here is the main file which initializes Wertik JS: Show File.
You can check the code and if you find something that needs to be changed, you can create a new Issue here.
If you came across a grammatical mistake please create a new issue with more details in the description: here.
Pull requests are welcome. If you have discovered a bug or have a feature suggestion, feel free to create an issue on GitHub.
If you'd like to make some changes yourself, see the following: