
Wertik-js allows extending your app with more features using the modules term. To use a module Wertik JS provides a method called useModule which allows you to create a new module. Let's create a module.

import wertik, {
} from "wertik-js/lib/";

  port: 1200,
  database: {
    default: useMysqlDatabase({
      name: "default",
      password: "pass",
      host: "localhost",
      port: 3306,
      username: "root",
  graphql: useGraphql(),
  mailer: {
    default: useMailer(),
  modules: {
    users: useModule({
      table: "users",
      database: "default",
      name: "users",
      useMysqlDatabase: true,

Please check this interface file for what type of options does useModule function requires.

Modules GraphQL Schema and Database operations

When you provide useMysqlDatabase: true, table and database, Wertik JS automatically generates GraphQL schema, updateInput and createInput. For example let's say you have a table called Games with following fields:

  • name: varchar
  • publisher: varchar

You have to initialize its module in this way:

import wertik, { useModule, useMysqlDatabase, useGraphql } from "wertik-js/lib/";
  port: 1200,
  graphql: useGraphql(),
  database: {
    default: useMysqlDatabase({
      name: "dbname",
      password: "pass",
      host: "localhost",
      port: 3306,
      username: "root",
  modules: {
    games: useModule({
      useMysqlDatabase: true,
      name: "Games",
      table: "games",
      database: "default",

Wertik JS will create a type called Games:

type Games {
  name: String
  publisher: String

And for Update and Create inputs it will create inputs like this:

input createGamesInput {
  name: String
  publisher: String

input updateGamesInput {
  name: String
  publisher: String

For filtering data from games table, Wertik JS will also create an input for filtering:

input GamesFilterInput {
  name: StringFilterInput
  publisher: StringFilterInput

To explore more about StringFilterInput and other filter input please visit GraphQL Playground to get more familiar with it.

This will generate


  • view
  • list
  • count
type Query {
  version: String
  viewGames(where: GamesFilterInput): Games
    pagination: PaginationInput
    where: GamesFilterInput
    sorting: [SortingInput]
  ): GamesList
  countGames(where: GamesFilterInput): Int

Note: When you are using enums in table please make sure that your enum value doesn't contains dashes, it should be something like this enum('X_SMALL','X_LARGE') not enum('X-SMALL','X-LARGE').


  • update
  • create
  • delete
  • createOrUpdate
type Mutation {
  version: String
    input: updateGamesInput
    where: GamesFilterInput!
  ): GamesBulkMutationResponse
  createGames(input: [createGamesInput]): GamesBulkMutationResponse
  deleteGames(where: GamesFilterInput!): SuccessResponse
  createOrUpdateGames(id: Int, input: createGamesInput): Games

You can try these Mutations and Queries in your GraphQL playground. If you find any issues please create a new issue Here.

More on filtering rows from a table

When you provide useMysqlDatabase: true for a module called Games. Wertik JS will create a query as:

  pagination: PaginationInput
  where: GamesFilterInput
  sorting: [SortingInput]
): GamesList

Where PaginationInput is

input PaginationInput {
  page: Int
  limit: Int

And GamesFilterInput is same as Sequelize search object but main keywords such as like, eq or like starts with _, For example:

query GamesList {
  listGames(where: { publisher: { _eq: "rockstar" } }) {
    list {

And for sorting it is

input SortingInput {
  column: String
  type: String

Sorting Example:

query GamesList {
  listGames(sorting: [{ column: "id", type: "asc" }]) {
    list {

To get more familiar with Schema please open your schema from Apollo Playground running at http://localhost:1200/graphql where 1200 is the default port of Wertik JS.

If you find any issues with Filtering, Sorting or Paginating rows. You can open a new issue Here.

Using events with GraphQL CRUD operations

When you run a Query or Mutation on a module(Please check Mutations and Queries) Wertik JS fires an event, Please check Typescript interface called Those are the list of events that you can use. To explore more about types you can click Go to Type Definition of method useModule.

When events are running you get access to Apollo GraphQL Resolver arguments where you can access Request params as well. For more please see about Crud

Note: When you return something from event it will be considered as args, For more please see This file


import wertik, { useMysqlDatabase, useModule } from "wertik-js/lib/";

  port: 1200,
  database: {
    default: useMysqlDatabase({
      name: "default",
      password: "pass",
      host: "localhost",
      port: 3306,
      username: "root",
  modules: {
    games: useModule({
      useMysqlDatabase: true,
      name: "Games",
      table: "games",
      database: "jscontainer",
      events: {
        beforeCreate(_, args, context, info) {
          console.log("This will run before creating a game");

List of available events:

  • beforeView
  • beforeCount
  • beforeList
  • beforeCreate
  • beforeDelete
  • beforeUpdate
  • beforeCreateOrUpdate

Using useModule on method to add more features to your module

When using Wertik JS modules. useModule has a function called on which can be used to extend more features like:

  • Adding a Mutation.
  • Adding a Query.
  • Adding a database relationship to other module.
  • Adding a Graphql schema
  • Accesing Express instance


import wertik, { useModule } from "wertik-js/lib/";
  port: 1200,
  modules: {
    games: useModule({
      useMysqlDatabase: true,
      name: "Games",
      table: "games",
      database: "jscontainer",
      on({ useExpress, useQuery, useMutation, useSchema }) {
        useExpress((express) => {
          express.get("/404", (req, res) => res.status(404).send("404"));
          name: "getGames",
          query: "getGames: [Games]",
          resolver() {
            return [];
          name: "updateAllGames",
          query: "updateAllGames: [Games]",
          resolver() {
            return [];
            type MyType {
              id: Int
              name: String

To see on method interface please check this Interface File