
Wertik JS allows using both Socket.IO and WebSockets on the same HTTP server as well as creating an independent Web Sockets server. To create socket servers Wertik-js provides these functions: useWebSockets, useIndependentWebSocketsServer, and useSocketIO.


useWebSockets allows you to creating a websockets server on current http server.

import wertik, { useWebSockets } from "wertik-js/lib/";

  port: 1200,
  sockets: {
    mySockets: useWebSockets({
      path: "/websockets",

Now run your code you will see something like this in your console:

Web Sockets server starting at ws://localhost:1200/websockets
Wertik JS app listening at http://localhost:1200

Your Web Sockets server is up an running at ws://localhost:1200/websockets.


useIndependentWebSocketsServer allows you creating a websockets server that runs on different port.

import wertik, { useIndependentWebSocketsServer } from "wertik-js/lib/";

  port: 1200,
  sockets: {
    mySockets2: useIndependentWebSocketsServer({
      port: 1500,

Now run your code you will see something like this in your console:

Web Sockets server starting at ws://localhost:1500/
Wertik JS app listening at http://localhost:1200


useSocketIO allows you creating a Socket IO server that runs on same http server.

import wertik, { useSocketIO } from "wertik-js/lib/";

  port: 1200,
  sockets: {
    socketio: useSocketIO({
      path: "/mysocketioserver",

Now run your code you will see something like this in your console:

Socket.IO server starting at http://localhost:1200/mysocketioserver
Wertik JS app listening at http://localhost:1200