Male health is a critical issue that deserves more attention than it usually receives. Ignoring your health can lead to many problems that could be prevented with early intervention. This article will dive into the five most common male health issues, examining the best prevention measures and treatment options available.


Erectile dysfunction 

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to have and maintain an erection needed for intercourse. Impotence is another name for erection dysfunction. It is essential to understand and stay aware of the factors that cause this health issue in males, such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, low testosterone, or any heart problem. 

When you experience erectile dysfunction, you feel problems getting and keeping erections and not feeling desirable for sex. Sexual arousal involves psychological, emotional, hormonal, and muscular factors that impact erection during intercourse. Moreover, stress and mental instability significantly affect erectile dysfunction. Consequently, you experience a less satisfied sex life, low self-esteem, problems with your relationship, and an inability to get your wife pregnant. 

male health issues

Preventions of erectile dysfunction:

You can consider following steps to protect your body from erectile dysfunction.

  • A healthy diet that keeps your heart healthy, as anything good for the heart, contributes to keeping your ability to an erection.

  • Maintain a healthy weight so you can prevent health issues. 

  • Keep your blood pressure and cholesterol regular for optimum blood flow in the penis.

  • Regular screening of the body can identify issues early.

  • Avoid alcohol and drugs, which will help you from nerve damage and sex hormonal level. 

  • Make exercise part of your daily routine. 

Treatment for erectile dysfunction:

Treatment for erectile dysfunction involves some modification in diet and lifestyle, consumption of alcohol, and medication prescribed by a doctor. However, treatment depends on the factors which cause erectile dysfunction, such as age (it is not customary to have this issue with aging) and health conditions. Below are the remedies for ED:

  • The oral medication includes Sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil, and avanafil, which increases the effects of nitric oxide. It helps to increase blood flow in the penis and causes an erection. 

  • Alprostadil self-injection gives a prolonged erection.

  • Replacing testosterone in case of a low level of hormone. 

  • A Penis pump is a vacuum erection device that transfers blood to the penis.

  • Penile implants are the least recommended treatment that has a surgical procedure. An inflatable or bendable rod is placed into both sides of the penis. 

  • An exercise of moderate to vigorous activity helps to improve 

  • Psychological counseling to overcome stress, depression, and mental issues.   


Male hypogonadism (low testosterone) 

Testosterone is a male hormone that is produced in the testes. However, women's ovaries also produce this chemical in small amounts. In males, it plays an essential role in building secondary sexual characters, including facial hair, pubic hair, regulation of sex drive, spermatogenesis, and mass production. Therefore, it is significant to keep testosterone balance. 

Male hypogonadism is a medical condition when a man cannot produce enough testosterone, which causes a low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, shirking of testicles, and other sexual issues. Additionally, people with obesity, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or any chronic disease are more likely to experience this issue. Hypogonadism is caused by the testicular disorder and pituitary/hypothalamus dysfunction, which is congenital or developed later. 

male health issues

Preventions for male hypogonadism ( low testosterone):

Testosterone level decreases with age, but having low testosterone at an early age can be a problem. Here are a few of the natural ways to maintain the hormonal level or boost it. 

  • Intake of a diet that has protein, carbs, and fat.

  • Exercise regularly

  • Reduce alcohol 

  • Avoid estrogen products 

  • Take multivitamin supplements

  • Manage your stress and cortisol level in your body

  • Get quality sleep 

Treatment for male hypogonadism (low testosterone):

Before going for any treatments, we recommend you visit a doctor, as every treatment can cure your symptoms and depends on the causes of hypogonadism.  

  • Using a testosterone gel is a common technique

  • Testosterone pellets and patches 

  • Intramuscular testosterone injection 

  • Oral testosterone

  • Testosterone replacement therapy 


Coronary artery disease

Coronary artery disease is a cardiac issue that is the narrowing and blockage of the coronary arteries that cause coronary artery disease. A layer of plaque is made up in the walls of the arteries and narrows arteries. Common coronary artery disease symptoms include weakness, shortness of breath, and angina (chest pain).  

male health issues

Preventions for coronary artery disease:

  • Avoid smoking and alcohol 

  • Opt to choose healthy food and maintain a healthy weight 

  • Complete the sleeping cycle for at least 7-8 hours 

  • Cope with the stress level 

  • Prioritize regular screening

Treatments for coronary artery disease:

 Lifestyle changes, medications, and surgical procedures can help treat coronary artery disease. Below are the standard treatments for CDA.

  • Various medicines are used to manage CDA, such as statins, aspirin, nitroglycerin, and calcium channel blockers.  

  • Angioplasty is a procedure to open the blocked coronary arteries and restore blood flow to the heart's muscles. It involves the insertion of a tube into the artery and inflating a tiny balloon to enlarge it. A stent is inserted to keep the artery open. 

  • Coronary artery bypass graft CABG is a surgical process of taking a healthy blood vessel from a body part and implant into the blocked artery. 



Arrhythmia is an irregular heart rhythm, and your heart is beating too fast or slow. However, having a higher heart rhythm during physical activity or exercise is normal. In addition, it returns to its average resting heart rate. A person suffering from arrhythmia can feel symptoms such as palpitation, dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue, and fluttering. 

Many reasons make your heart beat abnormally. Constricted or blocked arteries, abnormal heart valves, heart attack, and heart surgery or other heart damage can increase the risk of arrhythmia. Commonly, this health condition can be treated through medications, surgeries, and implants of devices in your heart.

male health issues

Preventions of arrhythmia:

Lifestyle changes can decrease the risk of arrhythmia. 

  • Eat healthy food 

  • Exercise regularly 

  • Keep your cholesterol and blood pressure under control 

  • Maintain a healthy weight 

  • Regular health screening 

Treatments for arrhythmia:

 The most common treatments for arrhythmias include drugs, therapies, and surgeries. However, it depends on the type of heart rhythm if you have tachycardia (rapid heart rhythm) and bradycardia (slow heart rhythm). 

  • Patients receive therapies such as wandering maneuvers and cardioversion. In addition, arrhythmia is also treated with a surgical procedure that includes, Pacing a pacemaker in case of someone suffering from bradycardia to speed up the heart.

  • Catheter ablation procedure to block abnormal electrical signals in the heart and get a normal heartbeat. 

  • An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator is recommended in severe conditions such as sudden cardiac arrest.

  • Coronary bypass surgery can boost the blood flow to the heart.

  • A maze procedure is an incision in the heart tissues of the upper half to develop a maze of scar tissue as the tissue is insulated.


Lung  cancer 

The lungs are a couple of spongy organs in your chest that take oxygen when you breathe in and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. Lung cancer begins in the lung and gradually affects the lymph glands and other organs of the body. People who smoke are the most at risk. However, those who do not smoke may also suffer from this illness. Various factors increase men's lung cancer risk, including passive smoking, radiation treatment, radon exposure, asbestos, and cancer-causing agents. Furthermore, family history can leave a person vulnerable. Some sure signs and symptoms can be treated early will prevent them from getting severe such as, 

  • A persistent cough that never goes. 

  • The blood comes with the cough and the sensation of continued shortness of breath.

  • Soreness in chest and bones.

  • Weight loss instantaneously.

  • Severe headache 

male health issues

Preventions for lung cancer:

Though it is not sure that you can prevent cancer, but can reduce its risks and symptoms of it. Here are some safety precautions. 

  • Refrain from actively smoking. 

  • Keep away from smokers.

  • Safeguard yourself against carcinogens.

  • Eat a wholesome diet and include fresh fruit.

  • Make exercise a part of your everyday life.

Treatment of lung cancer:

A patient receives treatment for the type of cancer mutation, affected region, and current health. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and targeted therapy are various ways of treating lung cancer. Removing the area affected by a surgical procedure is easy if cancer is diagnosed early. In addition, radiation therapy is another way to destroy cancer cells, and chemotherapy usually does in far-reaching cancer cases. In addition, medications are prescribed to block increasing cancer cells.


Men can effectively prevent or manage many common health problems by looking after their health and seeking early intervention. Men must understand the importance of consulting a doctor and taking preventive measures to keep them healthy. With this knowledge, men can live longer and healthier lives, free from the burden of these avoidable health problems.